Art in the Loo is a city-wide public art project in which 40 small paintings of Yucca plants are installed anonymously in public bathroom stalls all over Santa Fe, NM, for the duration of one year. The pieces include lithography, drawing, painting and encaustic.  The project aims to create a little surprise and aesthetic pleasure in a place that typically is not considered in that way.  Give a little lift where it’s needed most.

The paintings also create an invisible network between many diverse places, linked by content (the Yucca plant), a map of all the locations at, and a book which will include photos of all the installations. Some of the other locations in town include the Santa Fe libraries, restaurants, cafes, recreation centers, The Center for Contemporary Arts, the Children's Museum, the Farmer's Market, the Audubon Center, Jiffy Lube, Savers, and many more.

Art in the Loo is for a wide variety of people, including people who don’t normally go to see art — everybody has to go to the bathroom!

This project ran from 9/23 - 12/24, and was supported by a grant from Axle Contemporary in Santa Fe, and the Awesome Foundation!

Yucca #1Yucca #2